2020 Dolianova In Cantos Cannonau di Sardegna


Current stock: 23

Like so many regions of Italy, the island of Sardegna is home to a host of indigenous grape varieties, many of which are not grown anywhere else in the world. Out of a list of 100 or so grape types, only a few are likely to show up on the shelves of your local wine stores. Vermentino is the most commonly found white wine but the rare Nuragus is a must try when you visit this ruggedly picturesque island. On the red side, Monica and Carignan are fun and interesting wines but Cannonau (Grenache) is the main attraction.

Cantina di Dolianova, maker of the delicious Cannonau in this month’s il Consorzio, is located in the southeast quarter of the island, in the Parteolla district, where the vines thrive in the clay/limestone soils and enjoy hot summers, tempered by sea breezes. The winery is one of Sardegna’s largest and most successful co-operatives. Established in 1949 and beginning with only 35 growers, the enterprise has grown to over 300 members, farming over 1200 hectares of vines. In recent years, they have garnered hundreds of awards including Gambero Rosso’s highest honor, ‘Tre Bicchiere’ or Three Glasses for their top wine.

Cannonau, or Grenache, is thought to have first arrived in Sardegna from the Aragon region of northern Spain in the early 14th century. Other research suggests that it may be indigenous to the island. Though a bit different in character from Garnacha, the Dolianova Cannonau displays the same rich color, forward fruit and herbal spice common to the grape variety, including those versions from southern France. In any event, it’s a very tasty, attractive red that will pair beautifully with lamb, grilled meat and/or strong cheeses. Its sunny disposition will enliven any and all of your upcoming holiday gatherings so I recommend you grab a few extra bottles.